Customer Testimonials

Well, I know that you look at a lot of homes so I don't know if you remember this one...but I did promise to send you pictures when we were done renovating it.  We have sold the home and are set to close on Monday. :) Thank you for doing such a great job on the inspection.
A. Meehan

Thank you.  It has been a great pleasure working with you on our first home buying experience.
T. & B. Moe

Thank you Andy for doing such a detailed inspection.  I will definitely keep you in mind for referrals.
D. Copper

I have received your report.  It is very complete and professional.  I thank you for your services.
J. Calkins

Thanks Andy, this is very thorough as expected.  I appreciate you taking the time to explain things to me as we went through the house.  As a result of that I don't think I have any questions at this point.
G. Hogan

Thank you again for coming out in the rain to do the inspection.  The report is very detailed and we both thank you for such attention to every detail.  We wish you are your family a very Merry Christmas and all the best in the New Year.  Thank you again.
S. & B. Fletcher

Looks like most of what you inspected has been completed, barring a couple of things that are still on order.  Thanks so much it was a pleasure doing business with you and I will definitely recommend you to others.  Thanks again.
M. Albert

Thank you so much Andy! You did a great job.  Tomorrow morning, I will take the print out of the report and call you if I have any questions.  Once again thanks a lot.

Wow, Andy, what a thorough and awesome looking report.  I'm impressed! Especially with your turn-around time!  How do you do that?  Anyway, thanks so much.  It was a pleasure meeting you, too.  If I know anyone who needs an inspection for any reason, I'll be sure to pass along your contact information. Take care.
L. Mocquet

Hi Andy, thank you for the great work, as usual.
T. Holstra

At first pass, it looks excellent.  We will highly recommend you in the future.
P. Hall

Thank you for being so thorough and for explaining so many things to me!  I will let you know if I have any questions.
E. Alexander

Thank you so much for your time on Monday and the detail you put into the inspection.  It was great at the walk through to find that they had already fixed several things that you noted.  Thank you again for your time.
C. Mader

I am a professional plumber in the trades for the past 11 years.  After reading your report on this property, I was duly impressed with your thoroughness and the exact amount of details that you put into it.  Moreover, the informative nature of the specific problems addressed were as professional as I have ever seen, and I would highly recommend you to anyone looking for a good home inspection expert.  I have never seen a report the likes of this one.  You may know how poorly many home inspectors do the job, and the biggest braggarts have seen themselves to be the worst "inspectors."  Thank you for the excellent job you do.
B. Martinez